La Vita Roma

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Weekly Favorites 9/11/2016

la vita roma After all of today's election excitement, it seems a little weird to talk about anything besides Trump's upset and the U.S. But life is continuing on as normal in Italy; I've only heard a few questions and comments about the election so far. If you'd like to see what some Italians thought about our election and candidates, check out this post.

The weather this past week has been rainy and cold, so I've been filling my time and weekends with indoor-appropriate activities like brunch and movies. Not upset about it. On Sunday we made it out in the middle of a thunderstorm to see The Girl on the Train and had to hide out in the theater while it downpoured. I definitely didn't think the movie was a good as the book, as always, but if you haven't read it and like mysteries similar to Gone Girl, you should check it out. Sending hugs to a country of people who I think really need unity right about now, xoxo.

la vita roma

la vita roma

la vita roma

la vita roma